
sleeping woman in white sheets

Better Sleep!

  • Jan 13, 2020
  • Naturopathic MD

Sleeping less than 6 hours has been shown to increase the likelihood of death from. . . everything! You need to get good, deep, regenerative, uninterrupted sleep for your body and brain to work optimally. Naps are one of my favorite things, delicious treats that we often don’t get to enjoy as adults. I think …

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Non-Toxic Cleaning

  • Jan 13, 2020
  • Naturopathic MD

We all like our house to be gloriously clean and sparkly, but we certainly don’t want the cleaning products used to ruin our health. Choose non-toxic cleaning products and enjoy better health. There was recently a study illustrating that people in the janitorial profession had much higher rates of auto-immunity, due to the chemicals they …

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Get rid of your dirty laundry!

  • Jan 13, 2020
  • Naturopathic MD

Clean Your Clothes With Natural Laundry Products and Avoid Carcinogens Changing what toxicants you expose your body to is key to optimal health and wellness and a huge impact is made when you choose natural laundry products. You have hopefully shifted your diet to include the recommended organic produce and clean sources of protein, and …

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Food Storage Containers and Beverage Bottles

  • Jan 13, 2020
  • Naturopathic MD

Say goodbye to all your plastic food storage containers and water bottles. Even if they say BPA free, they likely have something even more toxic, like BPS, that most people just don’t know about yet. If you have a personal chef or food delivery service, ask them if you can switch to glass storage containers, …

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Non-Toxic Cookware

  • Jan 13, 2020
  • Naturopathic MD

When you pay for whole, organic foods and spend the time to cook at home, you want to be sure to use non-toxic cookware so you aren’t adding toxic chemicals from your cookware and storage containers! Let’s clean out your kitchen, and replace the cancer causing and other disease promoting cookware with better options. Don’t …

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Smoothie Recipes

  • Jan 10, 2020
  • Naturopathic MD

Dr. Wdowin is a foodie. She LOOOOOOOVES to eat and enjoys good food so much, she often dances while eating it. She feels your pain if you are worried about what you are going to eat during this time, and how to keep from getting bored with your options. Here are some smoothie recipes for …

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