
The importance of eating organic food.

  • Jan 10, 2020
  • Naturopathic MD

Dr. Wdowin’s dream is to have a self-sustaining ranch where she knows exactly where her food comes from and that all the plants and animals had happy lives and lots of friends. (Anyone seen that episode of Portlandia?) If you aren’t living on your own ranch or farm and growing all your own food, here …

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Health Inventory

  • Jan 10, 2020
  • Naturopathic MD

Like any true healing endeavor, the detox protocol is a journey. It is important for you take a long look in the mirror to determine what you want to achieve through this protocol. You will reap the most rewards if you are committed to the process, and recognize where you want to be, how you …

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30 Day Detox Protocol

  • Jan 10, 2020
  • Naturopathic MD

You have made an important commitment to being healthier, and treating the cause of chronic disease by joining us for the NaturopathicMD supervised metabolic detox protocol. This is the most advanced detoxification you can do in the comfort of your own home, without a prescription. You are not only doing an elimination diet, you are …

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This 30 day detox is the best decision for your health!

  • Jan 10, 2020
  • Naturopathic MD

Choosing NaturopathicMD’s 30 day detox lays the foundations for your health in several important different ways. The program is a supplement based detoxification. We remove toxins in your body by supporting your liver, kidneys and other systems with necessary nutrients. Removing dangerous chemicals from your body decreases your risk of getting diseases like autoimmunity, dementia, …

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“Earth Speaks Up” with Mary McNerney

  • Nov 06, 2019
  • Naturopathic MD

At Naturopathic MD, we believe that the further you get from Nature, and the Earth, the more likely you are to become sick. Have you heard of “Conversations with God”? “Earth Speaks Up” is “Conversations with the Earth”. We speak a lot on The Bad Girls Guide to Living Well about environmental toxicity, and the …

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Reusable Bag Addresses Two Environmental Issues

The Importance of Reusable Bags

  • Oct 25, 2019
  • Naturopathic MD

Health Impacts of Climate Change When you use reusable bags when you shop, you are working to slow climate change and plastic pollution.  You may have seen the memes lately on facebook about how greenhouses use CO2 generators to help increase crop yields. Plants use CO2 gas to create sugar molecules and fuel for their …

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