Sleeping less than 6 hours has been shown to increase the likelihood of death from. . . everything! You need to get good, deep, regenerative, uninterrupted sleep for your body and brain to work optimally.
Naps are one of my favorite things, delicious treats that we often don’t get to enjoy as adults. I think naps are like desserts for the brain. But healthy desserts.
Another research study showed that if you take a sleep aid (not herbal nor melatonin) more than 17 times a year your cancer risk increases as much as if you smoked tobacco. OMG.
Unfortunately, many of us don’t get the sleep we need due to life expectations, schedules, responsibility, or an organic inability to sleep well.
If you still have trouble sleeping, let us know! We have developed natural sleep support packs that can put a rhino into dream land, so let us know if you need more help!
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