
21 Day Meditation Experience with Deepak and Oprah

  • Mar 16, 2018
  • Naturopathic MD

“Revolutionize the way you look and feel in a lasting way… Experience more energy, creativity, and light in every facet of your life! Join Oprah & Deepak to embark on an inspirational meditation journey that will last a lifetime, as you discover what truly nourishes your entire being and lift the heaviness that has held …

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The Vitality Prescription, by Dr. Sarah Kotzur

  • Mar 16, 2018
  • Naturopathic MD

Feeling Stressed? Dr. Sarah Kotzur‘s book The Vitality Prescription has helped inspire patients all over the world to manage stress and create habits supporting self care. Do something healthy for yourself, and click here to order yours today.    

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Toxic Exposures are Harming Your Health

  • Mar 13, 2018
  • Naturopathic MD

We swim in a chemical soup of toxic exposures. Toxic exposures are everywhere. Do you think the people in charge are protecting you? Here are some disturbing facts: It has been 80 years since congress passed laws governing the cosmetics industry. The average woman uses 12 personal care products a day and is exposed to …

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Supplements for stress, inflammation and toxicity.

  • Mar 02, 2018
  • Naturopathic MD

Stress, Inflammation and Toxicity All human disease can be rooted in stress, inflammation and toxicity. We recommend changing your behavior and lifestyle to help decrease them. If you can’t win the lottery, eat entirely organic, and move to New Zealand, here are some of our favorite supplements that you can take. These supplements are designed …

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Why you should take your vitamins.

  • Mar 01, 2018
  • Naturopathic MD

Do you take your vitamins? We do, and we take more than just a one a day! Watch this amazing video from Harvard, and then we will share with you why we take so many vitamins and minerals. Harvard University created this video and others about the inner workings of cells. They used electron microscopes …

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Another Amazing Benefit of Exercise

  • Dec 30, 2017
  • Naturopathic MD

Researchers have found that another amazing benefit of exercise is a healthier microbiome. Your microbiome refers to the population of bacteria and other microscopic organisms that live in your digestive system. The more research is done about microbiome, the more we see how important it is. Another Amazing Benefit of Exercise: Exercise is well known …

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