Category Archives: Detoxification

The Dangers of Plastic

  • Oct 22, 2019
  • Naturopathic MD
The world is more polluted than you think, especially with plastic. Plastic chemicals are in your body, and causing disease. So what can you do? Detox!! Order our 30 day detox and start feeling better fast! Balance your hormones, get rid of toxicants, lower your inflammation, and digest better. Here... Read More

How to Detox Safely and Effectively

  • Oct 15, 2019
  • Naturopathic MD
Join Dr. Heather Wdowin and learn more about how to detox your body in a healthy and safe way. This episode helps explain our 30 Day Detoxification Program. Learn why you want to detox for your health and wellness. Also, get inspired to perform self care for your long term... Read More

Detoxification and Environmental Medicine

  • Jun 29, 2018
  • Naturopathic MD
Detoxification The world is a toxic place. An effective detox is an important part of what you can start doing today to enjoy better health. We have spoken a lot on this website and on our podcast The Bad Girls' Guide to Living Well about the three main drivers of... Read More

Our Favorite Water Filter – Royal Berkey

  • Jun 29, 2018
  • Naturopathic MD
Royal Berkey Water Filter You can follow this link to order the best countertop water filter we have found. We do have to notify you that if you order through this link we will get a "kickback" from your purchase. But as you can see, this is the filtration system that... Read More

Toxic Exposures are Harming Your Health

  • Mar 13, 2018
  • Naturopathic MD
We swim in a chemical soup of toxic exposures. Toxic exposures are everywhere. Do you think the people in charge are protecting you? Here are some disturbing facts: It has been 80 years since congress passed laws governing the cosmetics industry. The average woman uses 12 personal care products a... Read More

Supplements for stress, inflammation and toxicity.

  • Mar 02, 2018
  • Naturopathic MD
Stress, Inflammation and Toxicity All human disease can be rooted in stress, inflammation and toxicity. We recommend changing your behavior and lifestyle to help decrease them. If you can't win the lottery, eat entirely organic, and move to New Zealand, here are some of our favorite supplements that you can... Read More


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