Category Archives: Health News

The Healing Power of Love

  • Jun 15, 2022
  • Naturopathic MD
[smartslider3 slider="2"] When Dr. Wilde was on maternity leave for her son, she recognized that her brain felt completely different from normal. Motherhood was very different from her previous experience. She's a scientist as well as a clinician and so she started to explore the reasoning behind her experience. Estrogen,... Read More

Astrology and Health

  • Jun 20, 2021
  • Naturopathic MD
I have been studying astrology for over 25 years. I have casted charts by hand using an ephemeris and books 3 inches thick before good software really existed. It often felt like modern astrology missed something. There was something to it, but not really. That is also how I feel... Read More

Neurolinguistic Programming

  • Aug 20, 2020
  • Naturopathic MD
Want to optimize your life? Are you frustrated? Stressed? Anxious? Depressed? Do you feel stuck in life? Do you feel like you are sometimes your worst enemy? Are you a victim to negative habits you just can't break? Do you have difficulty making yourself adhere to healthy choices? Are you... Read More

COVID-19 Stay Calm and Support your Immune System

  • Mar 25, 2020
  • Naturopathic MD
COVID-19 has been classified as a global pandemic, as well as a national emergency. You are probably feeling pretty stressed out and unsure about what to do and how to protect yourself and your loved ones. Let us help. Health recommendations to support your immune system during this pandemic panic.... Read More
Reusable Bag Addresses Two Environmental Issues

The Importance of Reusable Bags

  • Oct 25, 2019
  • Naturopathic MD
Health Impacts of Climate Change When you use reusable bags when you shop, you are working to slow climate change and plastic pollution.  You may have seen the memes lately on facebook about how greenhouses use CO2 generators to help increase crop yields. Plants use CO2 gas to create sugar... Read More

Yoga and it’s benefits.

  • Oct 13, 2019
  • Naturopathic MD
It may often seem that the world is full of things that stress us out. Traffic, job and family responsibilities, politics, the environment, and relationships can all wear us down and out. Research is showing that mindfulness and yoga can make you more resilient to stress in your everyday lives.... Read More


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