We want to give our children every possible boon in life. My kid has more toys now at the age of five than my two brothers and I had collectively our entire lives. Materialism is a sickness. The greatest gift you can give your child is their health, because healthy kids are rich. They have improved education opportunities, increased social standing, higher earning ability, healthier and more fulfilling relationships. Learn how to keep your child as healthy as possible and set the foundations for long term health.
The best functional testing you can do for your kids is to test their DNA and see how to strengthen their weaknesses with nutrition and lifestyle.
The Nutritional Genetic Analysis is a simple cheek swab, and can tell you how to feed your kids to help them express their strengths, rather than any genetic weaknesses.
We have a Basic Kids’ Nutritional Protocol as well as an Immune Support Protocol.
These are the products we discussed to decrease your kids’ exposure to toxic chemicals in the environment.